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] add

The package depends on DiffusionDefinition.jl, ObservationSchemes.jl, GuidedProposals.jl and ExtensibleMCMC.jl neither of which is registered yet. Install them in the same way as DiffusionMCMC.jl.


To use the MCMC samplers implemented in DiffusionMCMC.jl you should define a target and auxiliary diffusions using DiffusionDefinition.jl and put your data in the format of AllObservations from ObservationSchemes.jl, for instance:

using DiffusionMCMC, ExtensibleMCMC, GuidedProposals, DiffusionDefinition
using ObservationSchemes
const GP = GuidedProposals
const DD = DiffusionDefinition
const OBS = ObservationSchemes
const eMCMC = ExtensibleMCMC

using StaticArrays, Random, Plots
using OrderedCollections

@load_diffusion FitzHughNagumo
@load_diffusion FitzHughNagumoAux

# generate some data
θ = [0.1, -0.8, 1.5, 0.0, 0.3]
P = FitzHughNagumo(θ...)
tt, y1 = 0.0:0.0001:10.0, @SVector [-0.9, -1.0]
X = rand(P, tt, y1)
data = map(
	x->(x[1], x[2][1] + 0.1randn()),
	collect(zip(X.t, X.x))[1:1000:end]

# let's prepare the data
recording = (
	P = P,
	obs = load_data(
				0.0, (@SVector [0.0]);
				L=(@SMatrix [1.0 0.0]), Σ=(@SMatrix [0.01])
	t0 = 0.0,
	x0_prior = KnownStartingPt(y1),
observs = AllObservations()
add_recording!(observs, recording)
init_obs, _ = initialize(observs)

The underlying idea

Just as in ExtensibleMCMC.jl you may define a variety of MCMC algorithms by deciding on a sequence of updates that constitute each of its steps. You have a verity of options to choose from:

  • for updating the parameters of a diffusion you may choose any step from ExtensibleMCMC.jl
  • for imputing the path on the other hand you may choose anything from a set of updates implemented in this package.

To define your MCMC algorithm you should simply pass a list of such updates to the MCMC object.


Parameters are known and fixed, so simply path an imputation flag PathImputation to MCMC:

mcmc_params = (
    mcmc = MCMC(
            PathImputation(0.96, FitzHughNagumoAux),
    num_mcmc_steps = Integer(1e3),
    data = init_obs,
    θinit = OrderedDict(
	    :none => -Inf, # no parameters needed for smoothing

mcmc_kwargs = (
    path_buffer_size = 10,
	dt = 0.001,

# run the MCMC
glob_ws, loc_ws = run!(mcmc_params...; mcmc_kwargs...)

Parameter inference

In addition to imputation step pass a parameter update step to define a suitable Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithm

# let's declare which parameters are not changing
DD.const_parameter_names(::Type{<:FitzHughNagumo}) = (:ϵ, :γ, :β, :σ)
DD.const_parameter_names(::Type{<:FitzHughNagumoAux}) = (:ϵ, :γ, :β, :σ, :t0, :T, :vT, :xT)

# and initialize for those constant parameters
init_obs, _ = initialize(observs)

# and do the inference
mcmc_params = (
    mcmc = MCMC(
            PathImputation(0.96, FitzHughNagumoAux),
            RandomWalkUpdate(UniformRandomWalk([0.2]), [1]),
    num_mcmc_steps = Integer(1e3),
    data = init_obs,
    θinit = OrderedDict(
	    :REC1_s => -0.8, # param 1
    callbacks = eMCMC.Callback[],

mcmc_kwargs = (
    path_buffer_size = 10,
	dt = 0.001,

# run the MCMC
glob_ws, loc_ws = run!(mcmc_params...; mcmc_kwargs...)

Adaptive schemes


Printing Callback

Plotting Callback with DiffusionMCMCPlots.jl

ExtensibleMCMC.jl functionality