Inference and smoothing for the FitzHugh–Nagumo model

In this tutorial we will do smoothing and parameter inference for the partially observed hypoelliptic version of the FitzHugh–Nagumo model.


Before we can start doing smoothing or inference we need to

  • load in the relevant libraries
  • generate some data
  • and finally, decorate the data using ObservationSchemes.jl

Prerequisite libraries

We simply load the necessary tools from JuliaDiffusionBayes and some additional libraries for using StaticArrays, plotting, and defining an ordered dictionary. We may also define alias names for easy access to functions that are not exported, but need to be accessed

using DiffusionMCMC, ExtensibleMCMC, GuidedProposals
using DiffusionDefinition, ObservationSchemes
const DD = DiffusionDefinition
const eMCMC = ExtensibleMCMC

using StaticArrays, Plots
using OrderedCollections

Simulating some data

For this tutorial we will simulate some artificial data using the FitzHugh–Nagumo model. This diffusion process is already defined in DiffusionDefinition.jl, so we may simply load it in.

@load_diffusion FitzHughNagumo

# generate some data
θ = [0.1, -0.8, 1.5, 0.0, 0.3]
P = FitzHughNagumo(θ...)
tt, y1 = 0.0:0.0001:10.0, @SVector [-1.0, -1.0]
X = rand(P, tt, y1)
data = map(
    x->(x[1], x[2][1] + 0.1randn()),
    collect(zip(X.t, X.x))[1:1000:end]

# and let's see how they look
plot(X, Val(:vs_time), size=(800, 300))
scatter!(getindex.(data, 1), getindex.(data, 2), label="data")


Data preparation

The final step before doing smoothing or inference is to arrange the data in a format that will be understood by the MCMC sampler. This is done by decorating each observation with additional information about how it was collected adding information about the underlying law and the starting position, and finally, packaging it as a recording and putting into an AllObservations struct. All of this can be done using the package ObservationSchemes.jl. For more details see [...].

recording = (
    P = P,
    obs = load_data(
                0.0, (@SVector [0.0]);
                L=(@SMatrix [1.0 0.0]), Σ=(@SMatrix [0.01])
    t0 = 0.0,
    x0_prior = KnownStartingPt(y1),
observs = AllObservations()
add_recording!(observs, recording)
init_obs, _ = initialize(observs)


Smoothing is simply sampling of unobserved path-segments according to the diffusion law conditioned on already made observations. To do it we simply need to define an MCMC chain that does imputation of paths and no updates to parameters.

We will need to pass an auxiliary law (think of it as a linear approximation to the target diffusion law) and indicate via backend that we wish to use algorithms from DiffusionMCMC.jl and not only those from ExtensibleMCMC.jl.

# auxiliary law
@load_diffusion FitzHughNagumoAux

# main definition of an MCMC algorithm
mcmc_params = (
    mcmc = MCMC(
            # sampling of paths with a precond. Crank–Nicolson parameter ρ=0.96
            PathImputation(0.96, FitzHughNagumoAux),
    num_mcmc_steps = Integer(1e3),
    data = init_obs,
    θinit = nothing, # no inference

We will also size a buffer that holds a thinned chain of sampled paths and define a grid-width for sampling diffusion paths.

# some additional parameters for the MCMC chain
mcmc_kwargs = (
    path_buffer_size = 10,
    dt = 0.001,

We can now run the chain.

# run the MCMC
glob_ws, loc_ws = run!(mcmc_params...; mcmc_kwargs...)

It takes about 0.5sec on my laptop...


The paths are saved in an XX_buffer in a global workspace:

xs = glob_ws.XX_buffer.XX

Plotting them is simple enough:

p = plot(size=(800, 300))
for i in 1:10
    plot!(p, xs[i][1], Val(:vs_time), color=["red" "steelblue"], label=false, alpha=0.4)
scatter!(p, getindex.(data, 1), getindex.(data, 2), label="data")



Guessing the right value for the memory parameter $ρ$ of the preconditioned Crank–Nicolson scheme might be tricky. Having a reasonable value for $ρ$ is however essential, as the following example illustrates:

mcmc_params = (
    mcmc = MCMC(
            # sampling of paths with a precond. Crank–Nicolson parameter ρ=0.1
            PathImputation(0.1, FitzHughNagumoAux),
    num_mcmc_steps = Integer(1e4),
    data = init_obs,
    θinit = nothing, # no inference

This time we set $ρ=0.1$ and run the chain for $10$ times longer than previously.

glob_ws, loc_ws = run!(mcmc_params...; mcmc_kwargs...)

When we plot the last $10$ paths from a thinned chain however, notice what happens:

xs = glob_ws.XX_buffer.XX
p = plot(size=(800, 300))
for i in 1:10
    plot!(p, xs[i][1], Val(:vs_time), color=["red" "steelblue"], label=false, alpha=0.4)
scatter!(p, getindex.(data, 1), getindex.(data, 2), label="data")


It seems that there is only one path! If we inspect the acceptance rate from the last $500$ proposals we immediately see what's wrong:

julia> (sum(loc_ws[1].acceptance_history[end-500:end])/500)[1]

The acceptance rate is $0.0$. We keep proposing new paths but most of them are simply not good enough and we end up staying where we were!

Finding the right $ρ$ is therefore very important. However, it becomes particularly challenging when the number of recordings grows (and we should guess the right value for each one of those) and when we do parameter inference on top of smoothing (as then, different local values of parameters might have drastically different optimal values for $ρ$). To alleviate this problem it is possible to employ adaptive schemes that target acceptance rate of the preconditioned Crank–Nicolson scheme and find $ρ$ automatically. To use them, simply pass a relevant flag:

mcmc_params = (
    mcmc = MCMC(
            # sampling of paths with a precond. Crank–Nicolson parameter ρ=0.1
                0.1, FitzHughNagumoAux;
                    adapt_every_k_steps = 50,
                    scale = 0.2,
    num_mcmc_steps = Integer(1e4),
    data = init_obs,
    θinit = nothing, # no inference
glob_ws, loc_ws = run!(mcmc_params...; mcmc_kwargs...)

First, notice that the acceptance rate of the last $500$ draws looks much more encouraging

julia> (sum(ws[2][1].acceptance_history[end-500:end])/500)[1]

Indeed, the chain has started from $ρ=0.1$, but over the course of sampling, it reached a region of $ρ∼0.95$$0.97$ and stayed there. The last $10$ saved paths look much better now

xs = glob_ws.XX_buffer.XX
p = plot(size=(800, 300))
for i in 1:10
    plot!(p, xs[i][1], Val(:vs_time), color=["red" "steelblue"], label=false, alpha=0.4)
scatter!(p, getindex.(data, 1), getindex.(data, 2), label="data")



If some parameters of the underlying process are unknown, then we may perform inference for it by appending the list of MCMC steps with those that update parameters. Note that the step of imputing the unobserved paths still needs to be present!

Suppose that we do not know the true value of parameter $s$ and we wish to estimate it. To this end, we first specify the parameters which are constat

# let's declare which parameters are not changing
DD.const_parameter_names(::Type{<:FitzHughNagumo}) = (:ϵ, :γ, :β, :σ)
DD.const_parameter_names(::Type{<:FitzHughNagumoAux}) = (:ϵ, :γ, :β, :σ, :t0, :T, :vT, :xT)

and re-initialize the data so that an appropriate dependence structure is built internally.

# and initialize for those constant parameters
init_obs, _ = initialize(observs)

An important point is revealed by calling:

julia> ObservationSchemes.print_parameters(init_obs)

There are 1-many independent recordings.
There are also 1-many variable parameters.
* * *
You may define the var-parameters using the following template:
# start of template
using OrderedCollections

θ_init = OrderedDict(
    :REC1_s => ... , # param 1
# end of template
and in an MCMC setting you may let your parameter update step
refer to a subset of indices you wish to update using the order
given above.
* * *

We should always pass the initial guess for the parameters in the format specified by print_parameters.

We can now parameterize the algorithm

mcmc_params = (
    mcmc = MCMC(
            PathImputation(0.96, FitzHughNagumoAux),
            RandomWalkUpdate(UniformRandomWalk([0.3]), [1]),
    num_mcmc_steps = Integer(1e3),
    data = init_obs,
    θinit = OrderedDict(
        :REC1_s => -0.8,
        #NOTE currently we must start from the same parameter that was set in AllObservations,
        #TODO relax this in the near future.

and run the sampler

glob_ws, loc_ws = run!(mcmc_params...; mcmc_kwargs...)

We can plot the chain as follows:

plot(map(x->x[2][1], glob_ws.sub_ws.state_history))


Update steps from ExtensibleMCMC.jl

An important thing to mention is that any update from ExtensibleMCMC.jl will work for the parameter update step with diffusions. In particular we may use adaptive schemes:

mcmc_params = (
    mcmc = MCMC(
            PathImputation(0.96, FitzHughNagumoAux),
                UniformRandomWalk([0.01]), [1];
                adpt=AdaptationUnifRW( # seems that doesn;t work
    num_mcmc_steps = Integer(1e3),
    data = init_obs,
    θinit = OrderedDict(
        :REC1_s => -0.8,
        #NOTE currently we must start from the same parameter that was set in AllObservations,
        #TODO relax this in the near future.

glob_ws, loc_ws = run!(mcmc_params...; mcmc_kwargs...)


but also many others. See [...] for an overview of choices.