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For the simplest problems

The underlying idea is to let the user specify the main component that define the MCMC algorithm:

  • the target law together with
    • a function that sets the parameters of the target law and
    • a function that evaluates the log-likelihood at the observations

and then let the user choose from a wide range of update functions a set of updates that are supposed to be performed at each iteration of the MCMC algorithm.

For more advanced problems

When the log-likelihood of the target law cannot be written down explicitly or you need to perform some specialized steps then the MCMC algorithm admits various extensions. See the developer documentation for more information.

Workflow for simple problems

Defining the target law

Start from defining the target law. This is usually a struct.

Running example—estimating the mean of a bivariate Gaussian random variable
using Distributions
using ExtensibleMCMC
const eMCMC = ExtensibleMCMC

mutable struct BivariateGaussian{T}
    function BivariateGaussian(μ, Σ)
        @assert length(μ) == 2 && size(Σ) == (2,2)
        P = MvNormal(μ, Σ)

After that, provide two functions for it. The first one is a setter of new parameters

Running example—estimating the mean of a bivariate Gaussian random variable
function eMCMC.set_parameters!(gsn::BivariateGaussian, loc2glob_idx, θ)
    μ, Σ = params(gsn.P)
    μ[loc2glob_idx] .= θ
    gsn.P = MvNormal(μ, Σ)

where loc2glob_idx is a vector of indices pointing to parameters that are to be updated.

The second one evaluates the log-likelihood.

Running example—estimating the mean of a bivariate Gaussian random variable
function Distributions.loglikelihood(gsn::BivariateGaussian, observs)
    ll = 0.0
    for obs in observs
        ll += logpdf(gsn.P, obs)

Generating or loading in the data

This step is independent of the package ExtensibleMCMC.jl.

The important point is that unless you overload the update functions yourself, the data should be stored in the format of a NamedTuple with fields P containing the target law and obs containing a vector of observations.

Running example—estimating the mean of a bivariate Gaussian random variable

We may simulate some test data.

using Random
μ, Σ = [1.0, 2.0], [1.0 0.5; 0.5 1.0]
trgt = MvNormal(μ, Σ)
num_obs = 10

data = (
    P = BivariateGaussian(rand(2), Σ),
    obs = [rand(trgt) for _ in 1:num_obs],

Parametrizing the MCMC sampler

Parametrizing the Monte Carlo sampler boils down to specifying a list of updates (out of a list provided in this package plus additional updates defined by you) passed as a vector to an MCMC struct. Each update usually contains

  • specification of a transition kernel
  • an index or indices of a parameter vector that is/are being updated
  • a corresponding prior on the parameters
  • additional information about adaptation scheme

Additionally, we may pass a backend to MCMC to specify what type of Workspaces need to be initialized. This last option is used only if you write your own modifications to the algorithm that need to use their own workspaces.

Apart from MCMC struct we need to pass the number of mcmc steps, the data and an initial guess for an unknown parameter vector.

Finally, we have an option to pass Callbacks.

Running example—estimating the mean of a bivariate Gaussian random variable
mcmc_params = (
    mcmc = MCMC(
            RandomWalkUpdate(UniformRandomWalk([1.0]), [1]; prior=ImproperPrior()),
            RandomWalkUpdate(UniformRandomWalk([1.0]), [2]; prior=ImproperPrior()),
    num_mcmc_steps = Integer(1e3),
    data = data,
    θinit = [0.0, 0.0],

Running the sampler

With parameterization of the sampler in place, running it is a one-liner

global_workspace, local_workspaces = run!(mcmc_params...)

The output of the call is a tuple with a global workspace (that contains information about the paramater chain) and local workspaces (that contain information about log-likelihoods and acceptance rates).

Examining the results

The process of examining the results is left to the user; however, we plan to have some convenience plotting functions being implemented in ExtensibleMCMCPlots.jl.

Running example—estimating the mean of a bivariate Gaussian random variable
using Plots
function plot_results(ws)
    θhist = collect(Iterators.flatten(ws.sub_ws.state_history))
    p = plot(map(x->x[1], θhist), map(x->x[2], θhist))
    scatter!(map(x->x[1], data.obs), map(x->x[2], data.obs), label="observations")
    scatter!(map(x->[x], μ)..., label="true mean", marker=:star, ms=10)



To modify the MCMC algorithm pass a different list of updates.

  • For a uniform random walk pass
    UniformRandomWalk([ϵs]), [coord_indices];    
  • For a uniform random walk with adaptiation of steps pass
    UniformRandomWalk([ϵs]), [coord_indices];
  • For a Gaussian random walk pass
   GaussianRandomWalk(Σ, [coord_indices];
  • For a Gaussian random walk proposals with the Haario-type adaptive scheme pass
    GaussianRandomWalkMix(Σ_const, Σ_adapt),
        f=((x,y,z)->(0.01+1/y^(1/3))), # at what pace to change reliance on adaptive Σ_adapt


Simply pass a prior for the relevant subset of parameters to each update function (in place of ImproperPrior() above).
