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Define the law of a guided proposal
The main object defined by this package is GuidProp
. It allows for a definition of a guided proposal [arXiv] with some target and auxiliary diffusion laws. To define it, use DiffusionDefinition.jl to define the unconditioned laws, ObservationSchemes.jl to define the observation, and then, construct a GuidProp
using GuidedProposals, DiffusionDefinition, ObservationSchemes
const GP = GuidedProposals
const DD = DiffusionDefinition
const OBS = ObservationSchemes
using StaticArrays, LinearAlgebra
@load_diffusion LotkaVolterra
@load_diffusion LotkaVolterraAux
# define target law
θ = [2.0/3.0, 4.0/3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1]
P_target = LotkaVolterra(θ...)
# define the observation and a time-grid
T, vT = 3.0, @SVector [0.5, 0.8]
tt, y1 = 0.0:0.001:T, @SVector [2.0, 0.25]
obs = LinearGsnObs(T, vT; Σ=1e-4*SDiagonal{2,Float64}(I))
# define a guided proposal
P = GuidProp(tt, P_target, LotkaVolterraAux, obs)
Define the laws of multiple guided proposals
If there are more than one (non-full) observations, then you should construct one GuidProp
for each inter-observation interval. This is done automatically with build_guid_prop
# multiple obsevations
observs = load_data(
0.0, zero(SVector{2,Float64});
Σ = 1e-4*SDiagonal(1.0, 1.0)
[1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
[[2.2, 0.7], [0.9, 1.0], [0.5, 0.8]]
# packaged in a format of a `recording` from ObservationSchemes.jl
recording = (
P = P_target,
obs = observs,
t0 = 0.0,
x0_prior = undef
tts = OBS.setup_time_grids(recording, 0.001)
# create a guided proposal for multiple observations
PP = build_guid_prop(LotkaVolterraAux, recording, tts)
Sample guided proposals
Sampling is done with a function rand
X, W, Wnr = rand(P, y1)
that initializes all containers, or with rand!
if you initialize the containers yourself:
X, W = trajectory(P)
rand!(P, X, W, y1; Wnr=Wnr)
The functions above work for multiple GuidProp
as well (that correspond to multiple observations):
XX, WW, Wnr = rand(PP, y1)
# OR
XX, WW = trajectory(PP)
rand!(PP, XX, WW, y1)
Compute log-likelihoods
Computation of the log-likelihood may happen after the path has been sampled:
ll_path_contrib = loglikhd(P, X)
ll_obs_contrib = loglikhd_obs(P, y1)
ll = ll_path_contrib + ll_obs_contrib
# OR when passing multiple observations:
ll = loglikhd(PP, XX)
or at the time of sampling
_, ll_path_contrib = rand!(P, X, W, Val(:ll), y1; Wnr=Wnr)
ll_obs_contrib = loglikhd_obs(P, y1)
ll = ll_path_contrib + ll_obs_contrib
# OR when passing multiple observations:
_, ll = rand!(PP, XX, WW, Val(:ll), y1; Wnr=Wnr)
Compute path functionals
To evaluate functionals while sampling simply pass the method as a named argument f=...
X, W, Wnr, f_out = rand(P, y1; f=foo)
Compute gradients of log-likelihood or path functionals
to be written-up