How to do smoothing of diffusion trajectories?
Smoothing is a process of reconstructing the unobserved parts of the path, based on the recorded observations.
# Perform smoothing for the data in the `recording`, using Guided Proposals with
# the auxiliary law `AuxLaw`.
function simple_smoothing(AuxLaw, recording, dt; ρ=0.5, num_steps=10^4)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Initializations #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# time-grids for the forward-simulation of trajectories #
tts = OBS.setup_time_grids(recording, dt) #
# laws of guided proposals #
PP = build_guid_prop(AuxLaw, recording, tts) #
# starting point #
# NOTE `rand` for `KnownStartingPt` simply returns the starting position #
y1 = rand(recording.x0_prior) #
# initialize the `accepted` trajectory #
XX, WW, Wnr = rand(PP, y1) #
# initialize the containers for the `proposal` trajectory #
XX°, WW° = trajectory(PP) #
ll = loglikhd(PP, XX) #
paths = [] #
num_accpt = 0 #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
for i in 1:num_steps
# impute a path
_, ll° = rand!(PP, XX°, WW°, WW, ρ, Val(:ll), y1; Wnr=Wnr)
# Metropolis–Hastings accept/reject step
if rand() < exp(ll°-ll)
XX, WW, XX°, WW° = XX°, WW°, XX, WW
ll = ll°
num_accpt += 1
# progress message
if i % 100 == 0
println("$i. ll=$ll, acceptance rate: $(num_accpt/100)")
num_accpt = 0
# save intermediate path for plotting
i % 400 == 0 && append!(paths, [deepcopy(XX)])
For instance, for a partially observed FitzHugh–Nagumo model
recording = ...
paths = simple_smoothing(
FitzHughNagumoAux, recording, 0.001; ρ=0.96, num_steps=10^4
It takes about 6sec on my laptop.