Defining observation schemes and loading data

Decorating each and single one of the observations as in the previous section might become quite tiresome. However, most often we collect multiple data points according to a single (or only a few different) observation scheme(s), in which case explicitly decorating each observation separately does not really seem to be necessary. To this end we provide a struct ObsScheme together with a function load_data for a convenient way of decorating multiple observations at once.

struct ObsScheme{T}

A struct ObsScheme acts as a template for reading in multiple observations.

  • obs: contains a list of all possible observation schemes according to which the data (that are supposed to be loaded in) were recorded
  • pattern: specifies the order in which the list of obs is supposed to be iterated through when reading in successive observations. Usually the number of datapoint is larger than the length of pattern in which case the pattern is cycled through repeatedly.
  • full_pattern: as pattern, but must be of the same length as the loaded in data.
  • mode: if set to Val{:simple}(), then cycles through pattern. Otherwise cycles through full_pattern.

Base constructor.

load_data(os::ObsScheme, tt, xx)

Decorate the data in xx and times of recordings in tt according to an observation scheme template stored in os.

load_data(os::ObsScheme, tt_xx)

Same as load_data(os::ObsScheme, tt, xx), but tt_xx is a vector of tuples that pair the observations with their recorded times.

load_data(os::ObsScheme, tt_xx_filename::String)

Same as above, but tt_xx are stored in a .csv file named tt_xx_filename, with each row containing time t and its respective observation x stored back-to-back.


For instance, if all data are collected according to a single observation scheme:

t, v = 1.0, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] # dummy values, only DataType matter
obs = LinearGsnObs(t, v; full_obs=true)

Then we can define it as an observation scheme and load the data as follows:

# ----- raw data ------------------------#
tt = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]           #
xx = [i.+rand(3) for i in eachindex(tt)] #
# -------------------------------------- #

data = load_data(ObsScheme(obs), tt, xx)

If more than one type of observation schemes are used then we can pass a list of them to ObsScheme, and then, specify the pattern in which they should be cycled through when loading in the data:

# another observation scheme:
t, v = 1.0, SVector{2,Float64}(1.0, 2.0)
obs2 = LinearGsnObs(t, v; full_obs=true)

# -------------------------------------- other raw data ------------------------#
xx = [i%2==1 ? i.+rand(3) : i.+rand(SVector{2,Float64}) for i in eachindex(tt)] #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# load the data:
data = load_data(ObsScheme(obs, obs2; pattern=[1,2]), tt, xx)
# ↑ simply alternate between `obs` and `obs2`

Generating data directly from the simulated trajectory

Very often we need to simulate some data from the underlying model for testing purposes. To help ourselves a little with this process we can use

Base.collect(os::ObsScheme, path, step=1, record_start_pt=false)

Record observations from a raw trajectory path according to the observation scheme os. Collect 1 observation for every step many points in the raw data. If record_start_pt, then the starting is recorded, otherwise it is omitted. path should have fields .x and .t with the underlying process and times respectively.


We only need to simulate the trajectory and define the observation scheme. Then, we can use collect to generate an appropriately decorated dataset from such raw recording.


For instance we can use the package DiffusionDefinition.jl to simulate a trajectory from the FitzHugh–Nagumo model:

using DiffusionDefinition, StaticArrays
@load_diffusion FitzHughNagumo

P = FitzHughNagumo(0.1, -0.8, 1.5, 0.0, 0.3)
tt = 0.0:0.0001:10.0
x0 = @SVector [-0.6, -0.6]
X = rand(P, tt, x0)

then, define the observation scheme:

obs_sch = ObsScheme(
        0.0, (@SVector [0.0]);
        L = (@SMatrix [1.0 0.0;]),
        Σ = (@SMatrix [0.01;]),

and then very simply generate a dataset

data = collect(obs_sch, X, 1000, false)

Examining the first two and the last observation yield:

julia> summary(data[1])
|Observation `v = Lx+ξ`, where `L` is a (1, 2)-matrix, `x` is a state of the stochastic process and `ξ`∼N(μ,Σ).
|| ν: [-1.0821504043466732] (observation),
||  → typeof(ν): SArray{Tuple{1},Float64,1,1},
|| made at time 0.1.
|L: [1.0 0.0],
|   → typeof(L): SArray{Tuple{1,2},Float64,2,2}
|μ: [0.0],
|   → typeof(μ): SArray{Tuple{1},Float64,1,1}
|Σ: [0.01],
|   → typeof(Σ): SArray{Tuple{1,1},Float64,2,1}
|This is NOT an exact observation.
|It does not depend on any additional parameters.
|No first passage times recorded.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆

julia> summary(data[2])
|Observation `v = Lx+ξ`, where `L` is a (1, 2)-matrix, `x` is a state of the stochastic process and `ξ`∼N(μ,Σ).
|| ν: [-0.9679347555098883] (observation),
||  → typeof(ν): SArray{Tuple{1},Float64,1,1},
|| made at time 0.2.
|L: [1.0 0.0],
|   → typeof(L): SArray{Tuple{1,2},Float64,2,2}
|μ: [0.0],
|   → typeof(μ): SArray{Tuple{1},Float64,1,1}
|Σ: [0.01],
|   → typeof(Σ): SArray{Tuple{1,1},Float64,2,1}
|This is NOT an exact observation.
|It does not depend on any additional parameters.
|No first passage times recorded.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆

julia> summary(data[end])
|Observation `v = Lx+ξ`, where `L` is a (1, 2)-matrix, `x` is a state of the stochastic process and `ξ`∼N(μ,Σ).
|| ν: [0.8136510716798605] (observation),
||  → typeof(ν): SArray{Tuple{1},Float64,1,1},
|| made at time 10.0.
|L: [1.0 0.0],
|   → typeof(L): SArray{Tuple{1,2},Float64,2,2}
|μ: [0.0],
|   → typeof(μ): SArray{Tuple{1},Float64,1,1}
|Σ: [0.01],
|   → typeof(Σ): SArray{Tuple{1,1},Float64,2,1}
|This is NOT an exact observation.
|It does not depend on any additional parameters.
|No first passage times recorded.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆